Published on: 14 October 2019
The South African Academy of Family Physicians is the professional body for family medicine in South Africa. Our membership (of over 600) includes mostly family physicians, but also registrars in training to become family physicians, as well as some general practitioners, medical officers and other primary care providers.
Dr Phaahla, the Deputy Minister of Health, addressed our national conference in August and invited us to give constructive feedback on the NHI Bill. The theme of the conference was “The primary health care team: roles and alignment to the ideals of NHI”.
We asked our member to provide feedback on the NHI Bill and to respond to three key questions:
Q1. Do you have any concerns regarding the implementation of NHI as outlined in the Bill?
Q2. Do you have any questions of clarification about NHI as described in the Bill?
Q3. Do you have any suggestions on how NHI could be implemented better?
Their answers to these questions were analysed with the help of Atlas-ti and are summarised below.