Payment details

  • General Payments
  • Debit Orders
  • Conference Payments
General Payments

Payment enquiries may be directed to We will send you an invoice for payment with a unique reference number to use when making payment for memberships and accreditation applications.

SAAFP bank details: Main Account
Account name: South African Academy of Family Physicians
Account type: Business Current Account
Bank: Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd, Tyger Manor
Branch Code: 051001
Account number: 271201460

Credit card payments

SAAFP makes use of Virtual Card Services (VCS) to ensure your safety and privacy while paying online. Learn more about the VCS service and security here. Credit card payments to SAAFP will show as SAAFP on your bank statement. Click here to make a credit card payment now. We accept Mastercard and Visa credit cards. [Please capture the Merchant PAM:  SAAFP, as this is an additional source of verification]

Direct deposits (EFT)

This method may take a few days to process, depending on where you bank. Please send us your proof of payment with the reference number provided during purchase to

International clients

We encourage international clients to pay via credit card so as not to incur additional bank charges. When paying via electronic funds transfer (EFT) you will be expected to pay the additional bank charges of approximately R150.00.

Debit Orders

Payment enquiries may be directed to We will send you an invoice for payment with a unique reference number to use when making payment for memberships and accreditation applications.

Debit order

You can download the debit order here. When completed, please email it to

International clients

We encourage international clients to pay via credit card so as not to incur additional bank charges. When paying via electronic funds transfer (EFT) you will be expected to pay the additional bank charges of approximately R150.00.

Conference Payments

Payment enquiries may be directed to We will send you an invoice for payment with a unique reference number to use when making payment for sponsorships and conference registrations.

SAAFP bank details: Conference Account
Account name: South African Academy of Family Physicians
Account type: Business Current Account
Bank: Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd, Tyger Manor
Branch Code: 051001
Account number: 271156260

Credit card payments

SAAFP makes use of Virtual Card Services (VCS) to ensure your safety and privacy while paying online. Learn more about the VCS service and security here. Credit card payments to SAAFP will show as SAAFP on your bank statement. Click here to make a credit card payment now. We accept Mastercard and Visa credit cards. [Please capture the Merchant PAM:  SAAFP, as this is an additional source of verification]

Direct deposits (EFT)

This method may take a few days to process, depending on where you bank. Please send us your proof of payment with the reference number provided during purchase to

International clients

We encourage international clients to pay via credit card so as not to incur additional bank charges. When paying via electronic funds transfer (EFT) you will be expected to pay the additional bank charges of approximately R150.00.

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Promote optimal health for the people in Southern Africa through advocacy, support and the development of the primary health care team, and the establishment of an equitable, humane and integrated district health care system.

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