All paid-up SAAFP members have free access to CPD activities in the South African Family Practice Journal as well as the online CPD courses available on AOSIS eCPD®. Members are registered on the eCPD® platform when they become a SAAFP member.
With the collaboration of AOSIS eCPD®, all (paid up) SAAFP members will receive a 15% discount on the selling price of the course.
Virtual consultation is one of the telehealth modalities that delivers health care via electronic channels. It specifically enables health care practitioners to consult patients who cannot attend face-to-face appointments. Virtual consultation is often utilised to serve remote communities and has been used extensively during the recent pandemic.
This course is for health care practitioners who plan to do virtual consultations or who wish to improve their current telehealth practice.
This course aims to enable health care professionals to consult patients via online platforms.
CPD points: 5 points
Effort: 5 hours
Access duration: 6 months
Dr Selma Smith
With the collaboration of AOSIS eCPD®, all (paid up) SAAFP members will receive a 15% discount on the selling price of the course.
Healthcare professionals will benefit from this course as learning skills are demonstrated that will allow you to deliver Brief Behaviour Change Counselling (based on the best evidence available). Evidence shows that Brief Behaviour Change Counselling from a primary healthcare provider result in between 5–15% of patients changing their behaviour (examples include: increasing physical activity, stopping smoking or substance abuse, eating healthily and taking steps to address obesity or weight problems).
This course introduces a new approach to Brief Behaviour Change Counselling for healthcare professionals. The approach is rooted in both the 5A structure (Ask, Alert, Assess, Assist, and Arrange) and a guiding communication style, based on motivational interviewing principles.
This course aims to train healthcare providers from diverse backgrounds, who work in a variety of settings, to use a best practice Brief Behaviour Change Counselling method for patients with risky lifestyle behaviours. Healthcare providers give evidence-based, accurate information, and offer effective guidance and referral.
CPD points: 8 points
Effort: 8 hours
Access duration: 6 months
Dr Selma Smith
Prof Bob Mash
With the collaboration of AOSIS eCPD®, all (paid up) SAAFP members will receive a 15% discount on the selling price of the course.
The aim of this course is to make sure that participants can apply the recommendations made in the Hypertension in pregnancy guidelines (2018/19) to clinical decisions regarding hypertensive disorders in pregnancy in order to substantially reduce the number of maternal deaths from this complex pregnancy-specific disorder.
CPD points: 8 points
Effort: 8 hours
Access duration: 6 months
Prof Bob Pattinson, University of Pretoria
Prof Mergan Naidoo, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Prof Bob Mash, Stellenbosch University
With the collaboration of AOSIS eCPD® all paid-up SAAFP members also have free, unlimited access to eCPD® Express Courses, giving our members the ability to earn all the required clinical and ethics CEU’s every year at no additional cost.