Academy Newsletter

Published: 27/10/2023

From the President’s desk

Welcome everyone to this edition of our newsletter.

As the new President of the Academy, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the new members of the SAAFP council and to encourage participation from EVERYONE – this is OUR Academy – the new committee is here to serve but we want to know what you want and what you can contribute!!

Following the election in June 2023 the following EXCO member have been elected: Prof Tasleem Ras as Vice President, Prof Mergan Naidoo as treasurer, Dr Jenny Nash as spokesperson, Dr Sheena Matthews to represent the views of private Family Physicians and Prof Hanneke Brits.

We had a strategic planning session on Monday 16 October 2023 and have decided onto focus on the following area:

Please click on this link to read the online newsletter.

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Promote optimal health for the people in Southern Africa through advocacy, support and the development of the primary health care team, and the establishment of an equitable, humane and integrated district health care system.

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