27th Annual National Family Practitioners Congress

5 – 6 September 2025 | Midrand Conference Centre

Sponsorship registration

SAAFP Congress 2025 will focus on:  “Learning and Practicing Family Medicine and Primary Healthcare in an ERA of Global Change”

The following sub-themes have been identified:

  • Artificial intelligence: There is a swift global transition into the use of artificial intelligence (AI), which has been viewed as a paradigm shift. It has been adopted by various sectors owing to its ability to perform tasks more precisely than humans.
  • Climate change: The climate change in South Africa has had catastrophic effects on people’s lives, with recent heavy rainfall and strong, violent winds experienced in various parts of the country. Victims of these natural disasters turn to primary health care for medical care, and this puts further strain on the already strained health care system.
  • The rise in obesity, non-communicable diseases, gender-based violence, sexually transmitted infections is another unfortunate change that primary care doctors and family physicians face in their resource constraint practices.
  • Change in political front: The government of national unity (GNU) has commenced work. Our greatest hope is to see primary healthcare being reformed to meet the needs of the people it serves. This means equal distribution of resources based on need not affordability.


  • Family Physicians in Public & Private Health Sectors
  • General Practitioners and medical interns and officers
  • Government Health Departments (national, provincial and district levels)
  • Healthcare Professionals, including nursing and health care and rehabilitation professionals
  • Registrars (specialists in training)
  • Medical Students
  • Scholars, educators, and researchers in the fields of Family Medicine, primary care and PHC


  • Increase your pre-congress exposure through marketing coverage (website / social media and mailers).
  • Raise your profile above your competitors.
  • Increase recognition and drive traffic to your exhibition stand and website.
  • Marketing exposure through branding and acknowledgement.
  • Contribute to and be actively involved in the development and growth of the industry and those that work in family medicine.
  • Deliver a greater ROI. Sponsoring an event can often be cheaper and have a higher return on investment than a TV commercial or other advertising methods.
  • Contribute to the upliftment of medical practice and research.
  • Increase your company’s perceived image.
  • Gain the respect and creditability of your target audience.


  • Face-to-Face physical exhibition stand.
  • Pre-book one-on-one meetings sessions.
  • Launch new products.
  • Strengthen current product popularity.
  • Generate sales leads.
  • Reach new specific markets.
  • Meet with sector-specific audience.
  • Be recognised.
  • Brand trust: if you exhibit then you are more likely to be considered a serious business player.
  • Visibility: you might have a strong online presence, but to strengthen and grow, there also needs to be real visibility. People buy from people.
  • Market intelligence – get to know your competitors and their products.
  • Keep up on industry trends and products that compliment your business.

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    Promote optimal health for the people in Southern Africa through advocacy, support and the development of the primary health care team, and the establishment of an equitable, humane and integrated district health care system.

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